Marriage Equality Around the World
WORLDThe history of Marriage Equality in the world
- Europe
- Asia
- Oceania
- America
- Africa
- 2001.4 Netherlands
- 2003.6 Belgium
- 2005.7 Spain
- 2005.7 Canada
- 2006.11 South Africa
- 2009.1 Norway
- 2009.5 Sweden
- 2010.6 Portugal
- 2010.6 Iceland
- 2010.7 Argentina
- 2012.6 Denmark
- 2013.5 Brazil
- 2013.5 France
- 2013.8 Uruguay
- 2013.8 new Zealand
- 2014.3 England ※Excluding Northern Ireland
- (日本語) 2015.1 (日本語) ルクセンブルグ
- (日本語) 2015.6 (日本語) メキシコ
- 2015.6 America
- 2016.4 Columbia
- 2015.11 Ireland
- 2017.3 Finland
- 2017.9 Malta
- 2017.10 Germany
- 2017.12 Australia
- 2019.1 Austria
- 2019.5 Taiwan
- 2019.6 Ecuador
- 2020.5 Costa Rica
- (日本語) 2022.3 (日本語) チリ
- (日本語) 2022.7 (日本語) スイス
- (日本語) 2022.7 (日本語) スロヴェニア
- (日本語) 2022.9 (日本語) キューバ
- (日本語) 2023.2 (日本語) アンドラ
- (日本語) 2023.6 (日本語) ネパール (日本語) 2023.6.28 最高裁裁判官が同性カップルの婚姻登録に対応するよう求める命令を出した。
- (日本語) 2024.1 (日本語) エストニア
- (日本語) 2024.2 (日本語) ギリシャ
- (日本語) 2025.1 (日本語) リヒテンシュタイン
- (日本語) 2025.1 (日本語) タイ
The Status of Same-sex marriages in the World
Denmark created Registered Partnerships in 1989, granting same-sex couples almost all of the rights of opposite-sex married couples for the first time in the world. This system legally protected the relationships of same-sex couples, even though they were not able to marry.
Approximately 10 years after this, same-sex marriage was finally legalized in the Netherlands in 2001.
As of May 2020, same-sex marriages are legally permitted in 29 countries in Europe, the Americas and Oceania.
In Asia, same-sex marriage was legalized in Taiwan in May 2019.
Taiwan’s Constitutional Court ruled in May 2017 that the existing law must be revised, or a new law must be created to allow same-sex marriage by May 2019.
This made Taiwan the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage as of May 2019.
Let’s make same-sex marriage a reality in Japan, too!