【名古屋地裁違憲判決】代表理事コメント「具体的な立法作業に直ちに着手を」(with English translation)
公益社団法人Marriage For All Japan – 結婚の自由をすべての人に
代表理事 寺原真希子 三輪晃義
Today, the Nagoya District court ruled that “the state does not even provide a framework for same-sex couples to have their relationships notarised by state institutions and grant appropriate effects to protect such relationships” is in violation of Article 24, Paragraph 2 and Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution. This is the third time a court has ruled unconstitutional in the “Freedom of Marriage for All” lawsuits, after the Sapporo District Court and Tokyo District Court rulings.
The results of the public polls and Judicial decisions alike demand for legislation by the Diet, and the Diet must not overlook the current situation any longer. The Leaders’ statement from the G7 summit held in Hiroshima clearly states the need to achieve a society where “all people can enjoy vibrant lives free from violence and discrimination independent of gender identity or expression or sexual orientation”. We urge the Diet to immediately undertake concrete legislative work towards the amendment of the law to legally recognise marriage between two persons of the same sex.
The Fukuoka District Court decision, the fifth ruling of the lawsuits, is scheduled on June 8th. Furthermore, the “Freedom of Marriage for All” lawsuits continue to be in the process of being heard by the Sapporo High Court, Osaka High Court, and the Tokyo District court (Tokyo 2nd lawsuit). We hope that these courts will also rule not recognising same-sex marriage as unconstitutional.
We, Marriage For All Japan, will continue to provide PR support for the “Freedom of Marriage for All” lawsuit, as well as lobby diet members and engage in efforts to increase public awareness and discussion.
May 30, 2023
Public Interest Association of Marriage For All Japan -Freedom Of Marriage For All
Representative Directors
Makiko Terahara, Akiyoshi Mira